Something Small Coming This Fall

extra petite baby 2 black long sleeve turtleneck maternity dress

Leith dress xs (non maternity), Ann Taylor velvet headband (similar)

It feels like such an odd time to be sharing celebratory news with everything that’s going on in the world, but we have an exciting update from our corner of the universe…our little family will be expanding this Fall!

We are absolutely thrilled and excited, but also nervous with a new set of emotions from my first pregnancy. Nori still feels like my baby to me (and probably always will), and fills my heart…but also seemingly all of my energy these days, especially while in quarantine in our small space. I know there’ll be a lot of changes with newborn plus active toddler life, but one reassuring thing is seeing so many of you mamas doing it with grace!

The other difference about this pregnancy is how we got here. The first question from family and friends we’ve shared the news with has been whether we did IVF, so I wanted to be open here. Having gone through IVF with Nori, we were very hopeful to not have to go through it again. Especially right now, so many infertility treatments have been paused or cancelled during COVID, and it breaks my heart for mamas-to-be who are left waiting in limbo.

We started trying naturally for a second child last year, and frankly I expected we’d try for a year or two and then possibly go down the road of fertility treatments again. Well, things work in mysterious ways because here we are…

extra petite baby announcement black maternity dress

I didn’t tell anyone, even close friends the first few weeks, in fear that it was too good to be true. A small part of me wishes I had a little more time to resurface for air from our whirlwind toddler, but I’m embracing how we got here and am so excited for Nori to be a big sister!

As for this blog, I hope to continue sharing everything I love, which will always include fashion! Like with my first pregnancy, I’ll be wearing a lot of forgiving, non-maternity pieces, and have been doing my best to include measurements on clothing featured so you guys can continue to have a reliable reference point.

Thanks so much for sharing in our journey over the past decade – I can’t wait to continue growing and learning from this beautiful community.

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When you purchase through the links on this blog, I may earn a commission. Thank you for your support!

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  1. Sandi wrote:

    Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you and your beautiful family! I’m expecting in November, my 7th, and have a 21 month old that keeps me super busy. Try to rest, when you can!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  2. Jane wrote:

    Great news!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  3. Sherry wrote:

    Congratulations! Love your blog!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  4. Annie wrote:

    Congratulations to you and Nick!!! I love all that you share and adore your little (growing) family!! Nori is going to be such an amazing big sister! So happy for you guys! 💞💞💞

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  5. Petra Skipper wrote:

    That is wonderful news! Congratulations to you and your family! Your life will definitely be full. Best Wishes for a healthy pregnancy!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  6. Anonymous wrote:

    I didn’t want to tell you before but you could have conceived Nori naturally also. If you haven’t conceived within 12 months it means you need to be evaluated for infertility. It does not mean you have to start IVF if you and your husband test normal. We conceived within 2 months for our first and then 20 months for our second. Sometimes it just takes awhile. Congratulations on your pregnancy.

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
    • Anonymous wrote:

      Why bother mentioning this? You certainly do not know their circumstances and this post was entirely unecessary.

      Posted 5.8.20 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Thank goodness Jean has internet strangers to explain these things to her! How silly she must feel for relying on the advice of her own medical team for her first pregnancy.

      Posted 5.8.20 Reply
    • put em in ✔️ wrote:

      Pretty sure she talked about her journey to IVF in another post…

      Posted 5.8.20 Reply
    • Anonymous wrote:

      So unnecessary. SMH

      Posted 5.8.20 Reply
    • Anonymous wrote:

      She would have conceived Nori naturally if she could’ve. Who would want to go through the time and money for an IVF if they didn’t have to. Please consider people’s circumstances before commenting something like this.

      Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  7. Beth Bronson wrote:

    Congrats Jean and family!! How exciting! In times like these, it’s SO nice to read something that brings some joy, and this made me smile this morning! Wishing you a wonderful, healthy pregnancy, and thank you for sharing your good news with us! Congrats again and best wishes!! 🙂

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  8. Brie wrote:

    Congratulations Jean and family, what wonderful and exciting news! Love following your IG and blog and seeing how they’ve evolved. You are doing an amazing job and appreciate you so very honestly sharing multiple aspects of your life. Keep on doing you – you’re doing amazing!! ❤️

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  9. Casey wrote:

    What wonderful news! I have been following for a long time and am so happy for you. I confess that I had to unfollow on IG only because it is taking me a long time to conceive my second and know it will be hard to see your pregnancy unfold. But that doesn’t take away from how happy I am for you; it has never been hard for me to hear about anyone elses happy baby news. Images in my IG feed are a little harder to grapple with, but I will be back as soon as I am able to get pregnant and will be so excited to get tips about maternity wear! Thanks for being so honest with your followers. It takes a lot of courage 🙂

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
    • M wrote:

      I’m right there with you mama. Although I’m happy for Jean and her family, I had to unfollow her on IG also because it’s taking us a long time to conceive our second and any pregnancy news have been triggering for me. Sending positive vibes your way and hoping you have good news soon.

      Posted 5.8.20 Reply
    • Jean | Extra Petite wrote:

      Casey and M – I really admire your perspectives. I think it’s so important to recognize what can be triggering or make us feel down and remove what you can of it from your everyday life, whether temporarily or permanently. Wishing nothing but the best for you ladies – please take good care of yourselves, continue giving yourselves grace, and I’m hoping for good news soon for both of you.

      Posted 5.8.20 Reply
      • M wrote:

        Thanks Jean and congratulations! I am a long time follower and will definitely be back once I am able to get pregnant. Wishing you nothing but the best for the remainder of your pregnancy.

        Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  10. Jennifer wrote:

    I’m thrilled for you and your family. I too am due in the fall! It will be my first pregnancy so I can’t wait to follow you closely for tips/ advice as I have no clue.

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  11. Aimee wrote:

    Congratulations Jean! So happy for your little growing family. I have followed you so many years. I love your posts and sharings. Stay safe!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  12. Angela Khrichtchatyi wrote:

    Yay!! I’m so happy for you and your whole family! Such wonderful news!! Congratulations dear one! Wishing you and your loved ones all the best and smooth sailing through the rest of this pregnancy!!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  13. Yasmeen wrote:

    Many congratulations Jean! Wishing you happiness and health!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  14. Annaliese wrote:

    Congratulations Jean!!! What happy news during such a tough time! <3

    xoxo A

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  15. Cinny wrote:

    Congratulations!! It’s really wonderful news and your feelings are completely relatable.

    One thing I’ve been wanting to ask and couldn’t find from your previous posts, which hospital in Boston did you choose and can you have a post on how to choose your hospital? Have you ever looked into a dula? What about choosing your doctor and nurse if that’s a choice?

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  16. Mireia wrote:

    Aww congratulations dear!

    Mireia from TGL

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  17. Maggie wrote:

    Hi Jean, Congratulations! I am following your journey for many years now, but hardly ever comment, but this is certainly an occasion to do so. In hope everything is fine with you and you and the baby. I have a question for you – how do you plan to handle covid situation during pregnancy? I am pregnant myself and have been warned to self- isolate with basically no due date. Is it similar for you?

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  18. Denise W. wrote:

    Beautiful news.
    Much love and many blessings to you. 💜

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  19. Noumi wrote:

    Ahh so happy for you and your family! This is amazing news! Wish you all nothing but the best on this new journey!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  20. SL wrote:

    Congratulations! Will you share any tips you may have used? We’ve been trying for almost a year now and it’s interesting that there’s this whole community around the journey to conceiving. It really seems like this hidden world – I had no idea existed before starting to try.

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  21. Sandy wrote:

    Congrats!!!! We’re also pregnant and due in October! Looking at stroller options and saw Mockingbird and wondered what you thought of it? Thanks!!!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  22. Thatcorporatechic wrote:

    Congratulations Jean 🥳🥳
    Sending lots of love your way.

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  23. Ramya wrote:

    Congratulations Jean 💕 so happy for you guys. My prayers for your safe and healthy pregnancy 🤰

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  24. B wrote:

    Congratulations Jean!! I am so happy for both of you!!

    Good luck with your second pregnancy- will you be doing anything differently this time having learnt from your first? (Blog idea)

    You had some beautiful dresses during your first pregnancy so can’t wait to see your style this time.

    All the best,

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  25. Ling-Mei wrote:

    Congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy!! Your little one is so lucky to have you and Nick for parents. And Nori will get a playmate!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  26. Farmtrac wrote:

    Congrats jean, for this new journey. may God bless you.

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  27. Linn wrote:

    Congratulations, Jean! This is wonderful news 🙂 I’m currently 8 weeks pregnant with my second and I really struggle with the whole quarantine and toddler combo as well. I really look forward to following along your journey (and all the great fashion tips you’ll no doubt have!) Congrats again 🙂

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  28. Kackie Cohen wrote:

    I’m so excited for you and your family, Jean! Congratulations!!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  29. S. TRAN wrote:


    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  30. Stephanie wrote:

    Congratulations to you and your family, Jean! Thank you for sharing such exciting news during this crazy time. I have no doubt you’ll have no trouble handling two. As an only child I’m still amazed to see the instantaneous bond that my kiddos have. There are the crazy times and a natural amount of jealousy but just wait until you see them hug! It will be great! Sending you prayers for a happy and healthy pregnancy! Thank you for sharing your beautiful family and fashion with us! -Steph, mom of 2 in Newtown, PA

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  31. Shinee wrote:

    Wow, congrats, Jean!!!! What an exciting news. I’m so happy for you all!!!! As a mom of 2 little ones, I’ll be honest, going from one to two was the hardest. It was quite a bit of adjustment. Not trying to scare you, but if you’re like me, I appreciate all the heads up to emotionally prepare myself. But oh is it joy to get to hug and snuggle them!!! I wouldn’t change for the world!! Good luck, you’ve got this!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  32. Jolene wrote:

    Congratulations Jean! I’m trying for my second one! Sending lots of love all the way from Singapore. ♥️

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  33. Miu @ meetinghalfway wrote:

    Congratulations Jean & yours!! One of the best & sweetest news in this time, my heart is full 🤍💛

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  34. Anne wrote:


    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  35. véronique wrote:

    I’m sooooo happy for you!!!!!!I’m a fan since many years ago, II a m really happy for you and your family! Congrats!!!!
    Love from Reunion Island

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
    • Preethi wrote:

      Hi Jean!
      Congratulations to you and your family. I am a silent reader and have been for quite a few years now . Having discovered your blog when I was struggling with clothing sizes (being 4 11″). It has been so helpful and love how your blog has grown to include fashion , recipes and so much more. I have a 2.5 year old toddler and was blessed with a baby boy just 2 days ago.
      It may be slightly stressful (speaking of my experience for past 2 days) but oh what a joy to see the two lil ones together. God bless you and your family and sending all the prayers and love.
      Lots of love from UK.

      Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  36. Amanda M wrote:

    Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you!!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  37. Rosalee Taylor wrote:

    Congratulations! I love your blog- it is saved as a favourite on my computer. I wish you and your family all the best!

    Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  38. Anonymous wrote:

    You should be grateful. And instead of saying you’re not sure if you are ready, remember all of us who went thru 10x the amount of IVF that you did and miscarriages on top of it. Be grateful and stop with your bullshit…”we weren’t sure what to do, blah blah blah.”

    Posted 5.7.20 Reply
    • Jean | Extra Petite wrote:

      I am very sorry for what it sounds like you must have gone through. But it’s possible to be deeply grateful and also have uncertainties.

      Attitudes and comments like yours are also why many women who went through infertility or miscarriages (no matter what “amount” – it is not a competition btw) end up bottling up postpartum depression. Being told to “be grateful” rather than be honest about having a hard time, since so many other women are going through much worse trying to get pregnant. Please realize your words can be hurtful, and I hope that you can heal from your experiences and not project them onto others.

      Posted 5.7.20 Reply
      • Winn wrote:

        Jean – as a petite female, I’ve followed you for years but never comment. Of all the things I admire most about you however, is the way you handle the occasional hater. You gracefully correct them and offer empathy despite their poor attitude. I’m sure it’s not easy and it makes me respect you more.

        Anyway, I am so happy for your growing family. Nori is the cutest and your family gives me hope. Thanks for sharing your posts about motherhood, food, and petite fashion! You, Nick and Nori deserve to celebrate!

        Posted 5.7.20 Reply
      • B wrote:

        You go Jean!

        Pregnancy and being a mum is hard enough period which is why it’s great that Jean openly shares so many of her tips with the rest of us.

        All pregnancies are different and beautiful. Women need to learn to accept that. There’s no need for us to compete with each other about who had the hardest or easiest time.

        Having followed Jean’s IVF journey I can completely empathise with why she (or any woman) wouldn’t want to go through that a second time.

        Posted 5.8.20 Reply
      • xtine wrote:

        Jean, I will never understand how you continue to be the epitome of class and grace with people like this. I wish I oculd have a quarter of your graciousness. Nori and your new little are so lucky to have you as a mom.

        Posted 5.8.20 Reply
    • Bee wrote:

      Dude, don’t be an asshole. COVID has made this a really hard time for everyone and she is allowed to have her feelings without your lousy negativity.

      Posted 5.7.20 Reply
    • Anonymous wrote:

      I totally understand what you mean “anonymous”. I have been trying for about 5 years for my second child and everyone always tells me to be grateful for my first one, keep praying, blah blah.. it is very frustrating and upsetting which puts me over the edge.. Jean, no it is not a competition but like Bee said, I think she was just expressing her feelings about it.. not projecting it out on other people. I am sure you had moments like this when you were trying to conceive Nori so I hope you can understand how extremely frustrating the infertility journey is for us. Especially when you hear these kind of “miracle” news from other people BUT yourself.

      Posted 5.7.20 Reply
    • WeninCanada wrote:

      Wow you are being rude , ignorant and mean! She is allowed to share her feelings freely , stop judging and criticizing! Be respectful and kind!

      Posted 5.7.20 Reply
    • Anonymous wrote:

      And you can be grateful to be alive even to go through treatments. No one should feel any form of stress in your world it seems.

      Posted 5.7.20 Reply
      • Vanessa wrote:

        Congrats Jean! I hopped on here as soon as I saw your IG story. Thank you for being open, putting yourself out there and sharing your great news! Im so so happy for you and your growing family ❤️

        Posted 5.7.20 Reply
    • Anonymous wrote:

      RUDE. Nowhere did I see in the post that she sounded even remotely “ungrateful”…worry, excitement, and nervousness maybe, but not ungratefulness. Either you have very poor comprehension skills, or you’re projecting. COVID-19 has changed EVERYONE, Regardless you have no right to dictate how someone should feel. The audacity.

      Posted 5.7.20 Reply
    • Anonymous wrote:

      Wow, have you any manners? You’re so out of line.

      Posted 5.7.20 Reply
    • Anonymous wrote:

      It’s really easy to be rude anonymously hiding behind a keyboard. Her feelings are valid and she doesn’t need to edit herself to make you happy. I hope you find peace and heal the hurt in your heart. Turn inward.

      Posted 5.7.20 Reply
    • Jolene wrote:

      You have a choice to read or not to read her blog, Please don’t vent your frustration here. It’s her blog and she can write her own thoughts and feelings. Please learn to respect others!

      Posted 5.8.20 Reply
    • Kate wrote:

      I do think the constant dramatization is a little much. First, the sad IVF stories. Then, the sad postpartum depression stories. Now, the second pregnancy apprehension stories. I’m not saying that people should bottle up mental health problems or leave them untreated, but at a point it becomes sad-phishing. Freakonomics did a nice podcast this week about the human obsession with negativity, and the toll negativity-based social media and news are taking on mental health. So I do think there’s a legitimate question as to whether you’re part of the solution or part of the problem.

      The reality is, this blog has run its course. It used to have so much valuable info about how to style for petites. Now it’s just lazy, and the “woe-is-me” posts are a symptom of that.

      Posted 5.8.20 Reply
      • Bernice wrote:

        I have never felt she was sad-phishing. Maybe you’re just a negative or jealous person in general. Please kindly leave or stop following her if you think this blog holds no more value for you. I still find what she posts valuable.

        Posted 5.8.20 Reply
      • Linda wrote:

        Jean – congratulations on this amazing news!!! I got goosebumps when I saw your post on IG. I too conceived naturally for my second after we went through 7 years of infertility, multiple rounds of IVF and a miscarriage before having my first. And YES you can be Overjoyed, grateful, appreciative AND nervous and apprehensive.

        Thank you for sharing your real stories and emotions – so many of us relate to it.

        P.s. Kate –
        please shut up and go away

        Posted 5.8.20 Reply
      • Clara wrote:

        Wow. Have never commented but been a fan for years. I was appalled by some of these commenters. Jean, I hope you pay zero – and I mean ZERO- attention to the negative comments on here. We appreciate you being opens and vulnerable with your readers – it has helped me and other women. I am so happy that you were able to conceive this baby without treatment. Wishing you all the best!

        Posted 5.8.20 Reply
      • Linda wrote:

        When women have happy news to share (whether during times of crisis or not), we’re shamed for being insensitive, selfish, inconsiderate, or [insert negative adjective here] because “other’s have it worse.” When women have happy news to share but also act with apprehension or voice it with caution as to not sound too insensitive, selfish, inconsiderate, etc., we’re also, ironically, shamed for it. And if not shamed for the way we express how we feel, then shamed or criticized for something else (in this case your comment about her blog as lazy and the value it no longer brings). At the end of the day women are always met with criticism no matter how our feelings are expressed or what subject we share.

        The author is happy about her news, and she’s expressing her feelings, whether with an upbeat attitude or apprehensive and cautious tone, and as women we need to try and be more supportive rather than find flaws to criticize and nit-pick. Most of the time what we’re criticizing is a projection and symptom of our own internal insecurities and flaws because it’s a defense mechanism to make ourselves feel better. This is also unhealthy, doesn’t resolve anything, and affects our mental health.

        For you, Kate, maybe Jean’s blog is no longer valuable because you’ve grown out of the content vs Jean being lazy. Maybe you’ve grown out of it because you’ve learned all you needed to learn, and have gotten to a point in your life where you’re comfortable enough that you don’t need any more petite styling tips. And maybe that’s a positive thing depending how you want to look at it.

        Posted 5.8.20 Reply
        • Anon wrote:

          Could not have put it better myself!

          Posted 5.8.20 Reply
          • Anon wrote:

            Yes! And as a silent reader all these years, I am horrified to see some of the really negative posts. It’s such a hard time now for so many people – why attack when it would be better IMHO to work together to make things better for everyone. I can’t have children – and after many years, we made the hard decision to not have them. And I will always feel sadness for myself and what “could have been”, but to know and see someone else be able to have that happiness brings happiness to me. Why can’t we just be happy for others? It always boggles my mind.

            Posted 5.8.20
      • SOPH wrote:

        It’s called being real. A real person who has real experiences in life, not of all it is going to be positive is allowed to express their emotions on their own fricking blog.
        Infertility, complex emotions of post partum life, quarantine life with toddlers, every experience is different for everyone. If you’re a pro at handling things without needing to share them with the world, then kudos to you. But by using her blog to talk about these things, Jean has made countless others feel not alone in their journeys.
        If it’s not serving you, don’t read it. Dramatisation or not, no one is forcing you to read or respond.

        To the others who think she should just be grateful because they’re having a harder time than she did, stop and think to see how it would feel if someone told you to be grateful that you are alive to be worrying about infertility or be grateful you have the financial ability to go with those many IVFs. You’re hardships don’t give you a right to treat others poorly.

        Posted 5.8.20 Reply
        • Anonymous wrote:

          Yes, this!

          Posted 5.8.20 Reply
        • Anon wrote:

          Well said.

          Posted 5.8.20 Reply
      • Kim wrote:

        Kate, infertility and depression were a part of her life. They are indeed not happiest challenges.. But they are a part of Jean’s life story. I for one like hearing the truth, not a sugar-coating of one’s life. I’m sure if Jean could have chosen how her life would play out, she would have chosen easy conception and NO postpartum depression. But life isn’t like that for everyone. Her surprise at getting pregnant more easily this time means she’s had to adjust more quickly to her wonderful news. I guess if you don’t like following someone’s real life ups and downs, and how they come out even stronger, wiser, and happier, maybe stick to make-believe fantasies of glittery sparkly unicorns where everything is fake. Jean is a wonderful testimony of faith and hope to others who are going through similar trials.

        Posted 5.8.20 Reply
    • MJD wrote:

      I almost never comment on blogs, but wanted to here. I can definitely understand the pain of pregnancy announcements after going through 4 years of infertility and 7 embryo transfers and a miscarriage before getting my rainbow baby, but this kind of talk only hurts women and women experiencing IF even more. We have every right to have the same emotions as everyone else. We already have so many things taken away from us, let’s not add this to the list.

      We can’t be expected to 100% grateful, happy, etc all the time. A perfect example is right now, some times I catch myself thinking about how much easier it would be to be quarantined and working from home without a toddler. And literally every time, I beat myself up for having that thought because I should “be grateful.” Trust me, I get it. Even after you have your baby, the sting of pregnancy announcements doesn’t go away. A great article here that discusses just that ( But let’s not do this to each other. Every woman is entitled to her feelings and let’s not let infertility take away anymore from us than it already has.

      Congratulations Jean and anonymous, I wish you all the luck as you move forward in your journey to becoming a parent.

      Posted 5.8.20 Reply
    • Montrealaise wrote:

      Wow, somebody got out of bed on the wrong side this morning! Why can’t you just be happy for Jean, as the rest of us are?

      Posted 5.8.20 Reply
    • ainomiaka wrote:

      you do know that people can have more than one emotion at one time, right? You can be both grateful and scared, excited and apprehensive all at the same time. I’ve also been through infertility treatments and loss(even worse than miscarrying a baby you desperately want is having to make the choice to end the pregnancy-for me it was a health problem that would mean no baby, and possibly no me)-it is awful. I feel you there. But that doesn’t mean that anyone is required to never have fears or doubts. That’s not how life works, and it’s not helpful to anyone to pretend that it is how life should work.

      Posted 5.8.20 Reply
  39. Jessa L wrote:

    Congrats!!! So excited for you! And thanks for sharing so much personal stuff with us. I’ve known a few people who went through ivf the first time around and their docs said the naturally conceived second babies were because now their bodies knew how to get pregnant. So awesome! Anyway, I’m recently happened to watch The Hapa Family on YouTube talk about their transition from one baby to two. It was a great eye opener with sound advice. Congrats again! Can’t wait to watch you guys grow 🙂

    Posted 5.7.20 Reply
  40. Vanessa wrote:

    Congratulations Jean! I had quite a bit of post partum anxiety and felt very alone in my post partum journey. Your honest posts helped me to see that I’m not such an odd ball and it helped me so much! I think it’s normal have ups and downs in motherhood! I’m so happy to see you pregnant again! I always loved your blog but now I enjoy it even more!! Sending love and positive energy.

    Posted 5.7.20 Reply
  41. Beth wrote:

    Congratulations!!!! Wishing you guys all the best. This is the best news I’ve heard all month. Can’t wait for more baby gear and tips. I have a 15 mo and also thinking about a 2nd. It’s so nice to read about your journey all of these years. .

    Posted 5.7.20 Reply
  42. Pa wrote:

    Congratulations Jean, Nick and little Nori! I’m beyond happy for you guys!!!

    Posted 5.7.20 Reply
  43. LaToya wrote:

    I’m beyond excited for you and your growing family. Having #twoundertwo myself, I completely understand your emotions. Know that they are valid and that your capacity will grow with your needs. It just happens that way! I can’t wait to be a voyeur on your journey!! – xoxo

    Posted 5.7.20 Reply
    • Jessi wrote:

      I’m so excited to hear your news. I’ve been following you for so long (since truly your early years blogging), and in recent years, your store has mirrored ours in many ways. We didn’t do IVF, but we had to miscarriages before our daughter, taking over a year and a half of trying until our rainbow baby. We just welcomed our little boy after really just saying let’s see what happens if we don’t prevent pregnancy (I hadn’t even gotten my period back after over a year of breastfeeding). Now we have two kids 21 months apart. It’s a difficult adjustment, especially during this time, but I can already tell they will be so close growing up. Life really does work in mysterious ways!

      Posted 5.7.20 Reply
  44. Courtney wrote:

    Congratulations! Blessings on you and your family.

    Posted 5.7.20 Reply
  45. SK wrote:

    Ahhh congratulations! I’m so happy for your new addition to the family!

    Posted 5.7.20 Reply
  46. Anonymous wrote:

    Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you! No matter how far apart they are in age there are pros and cons and it’s scary to think about that big of a change. You’re going to be great!

    Posted 5.7.20 Reply
  47. Munira wrote:

    Congratulations !!🎉🎊

    Posted 5.7.20 Reply
  48. Betty | CHALK Academy wrote:

    Soooo happy for your family, Jean!! Congratulations!! Nori is going to best the best JieJie!! 😀

    Posted 5.7.20 Reply
  49. Kw wrote:

    Congratulations! Such great news!! Nori will be such a great big sis!

    Posted 5.7.20 Reply
  50. Zaya wrote:

    So happy for you and yours, Jean!! Congratulations!! ❤️

    Posted 5.7.20 Reply

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