I’m usually a wool coat kinda girl, but I know puffers can be a must for more extreme conditions. As promised, I wanted to share a few more parkas that I’ve tried on and would recommend! When shopping, I like to keep an open mind and browse a variety of brands (ranging from those that target teens, to my grandmother!) since you never know where there might be an unexpectedly good “find.” I remember being lugged into Eddie Bauer stores as a kid and dying of boredom from all the outdoor gear, but have to say they make good, functional coats in extended sizes. Most of their outerwear have warmth level ratings, moisture-repellant outers, and are machine washable. They also have a lifetime satisfaction guarantee!
Note my white coat above has synthetic insulation, so if you want an actual down-filled coat, I’d recommend a style like their best-selling Sun Valley Down Parka. This is one of their warmest-rated category of coats, and has longer coverage that’s good for covering your pants or skirt while commuting to work.
The outer material on the Sun Valley Parka has a faint pattern on it and the logo is in contrast stitching on the wrist. There is also an interesting soft furry patch lining the inner back. This petite xs in burgundy above was an online return and fit nicely on me (for reference I’m about 5 feet tall), and for comparison, this olive one is in xs regular. There was a slight difference in overall width, total length, and sleeve length.
This coat (comes in 3 colors and regular, petites, tall, or plus sizing!) was one of those unexpected finds, especially because my favorite aspect (the removable, beautiful faux fur trim) is hardly shown or mentioned in the item listing at all! But if you read the other customer reviews, it indeed comes with it. EB styles are mostly on the utilitarian-looking side, but I thought the generous fluffy trim on this makes it a tad more fashion-forward. It also kept me plenty warm and dry for walking in snowy 20 degree F temps.
Here’s how the coat looks on me when fully zipped up. For a day with heavy snow, I switched into my trusty Hunter boots which I personally wear a lot in the winter, since they’re fully waterproof up to my knees and shield more of my pants from the elements than shorter snow boots do. The unlined rubber can get cold when submerged in snow, so I always wear thick socks or fleece boot liners
I found a petite xs to try on in this Lauren Ralph Lauren down coat, also mentioned in a previous post. As expected, the petites has smaller proportions including shorter sleeves and overall length, but I didn’t think the regular sizing was huge (esp. for someone an inch or two taller than me). I like the wider, more pillowy rows of puffs on this one. The soft fleecy trim you see goes inside the hood, along the inner neckline and zippered area, and also inside the pockets.
PS – I know you can’t see the hem of my bottoms in this post, but I wanted to mention that all three pairs worn here are petite-friendly and fit me perfectly with no hemming needed! Both my white and black J.Brand jeans are cropped styles, and my leggings are listed as midi – they all fit me just like regular length bottoms.
Hi Jean, I'm moving to Boston soon from San Diego so need to fully revamp wardrobe! You mentioned not wearing a lot of puffers – is the EB jacket sufficient for the coldest of Boston winters? If not, what do you wear when it dips below zero (with significant wind chill)? I've skimmed through older blog posts but wasn't able to find one on wardrobe for extreme winters. Thanks!!
The Eddie Bauer jacket is on sale, plus extra 40%. Super GREAT buy!! Bought the white one petite for $54 only.
I noticed that mine is off-white as well. And Jean's pictures don't seem to show it! 🙂 I am loving the white so I'm keeping mine–I just may tuck the sleeves or waist in for a puffier look if the color bothers me.
I just went and looked, and yes, my bands are a little more cream vs. the starker white of the puffer parts. I honestly didn't think much of it otherwise would've said something. I'm sorry to hear you're disappointed! On the plus side EB should have no problem with returns with their satisfaction guarantee.
Hi Larah – they are Quay Avalon, I got them a while back unfortunately!
Thanks for this thorough review of down coats! I have a Mountain Hardwear coat that looks really similar to the burgundy coat you try on in this post. It's real down and fantastic–I've been wearing it in the Chicago winter for years.
Style by Joules
I loved the white coat on you and bought it for myself. But I was disappointed to find that the waist band (or whatever you call the band along the bottom) was not white but more off-white/cream – it looked discolored next to the white of the coat. Was yours like that and the color just isn't showing up in the pic? Thanks
Oooooh, really love the style, you look beautiful
xx the frenchy Ness
Jean, I really loved the look! Can you tell me what is the sunglass you are wearing on the last pictures (with the Hunter boots)?
That white puffy jacket is amazing! <3
Happy weekend!
Hi Julia – I haven't looked out for that in particular, but this coat doesn't have wool nor down.
It wasn't available when I ordered!
Since I am so short, I feel like a petite xs would fit better, but it wasn't available when I purchased and I didn't think the regular was bad! The regular XS looks very snug on me here because I have a shirt + faux fur vest, but without vest it looks normal. The biggest difference btw petite and regular I think will be the total length.
Hello – I'm just wearing one sweater!
I actually have another one of their scoop neck shirts underneath! If I wear a sweater over heattech I usually get too warm with a coat on.
I was there for back to back events so didn't get to venture far this time. Would love to go back and explore further!
Hi Liz – unfortunately I don't have any tricks for that other than a beanie or headband like you already mentioned! Hoods are not created the same though. Some are much more shallow and fit better than others, so it just depends on the coat that you get.
Hi Katie – I don't shop for puffer coats often, so unfortunately haven't tried duck vs goose and also the other brands you mentioned. I haven't found any coats with goose down in my limited experience (even Canada Goose uses duck down, I believe).
Love the coat! You look amazing!
The fact that the faux fur trim is removable seals the deal for us. This is such an amazing jacket and it looks great on you! Thanks for reviewing it 🙂
Hey, Jean! Do you know of any brands that make coats that are down free? Or any kind of wool-free winter coats?
Julia・Little Miss Haute Couture
Where is the bag from?
That Stila lip color looks amazing on you!
Obsessed with this white jacket! Looks so pretty 🙂
XO Janina
more pics of your celine nano please 🙂
Same question as above. I'm curious why you went with a regular xs and not a petite with the white EB coat?
Hi, have you tried the Nobis and Parajumper brands? I've never heard of these two until i saw your post. I'm willing you spend the money bc I wear my current puffer coat every day! Canada Goose I've found is too boxy and big in the arms. How are the other two? Are they more of a tailored fit? Thanks for your help!!
Hi Jean, you are wearing an XS…do you think a Petite XS would be a better fit on you or is the XS OK? Not sure how many layers you have under? Thanks!!
Super in love with this coat!
Katie | Willow and White
I'm petite as well and have a tough time, just like you, in finding coats. But the best coat I've found is the North Face Metropolis 600. It keeps me warm on very cold days and I live in NYC and walk a lot outside. Its not as stylish and is still a bit big on me even in XS, so I am not a fan of that, but the warmth it provides is worth it. I haven't found another coat that matches the warmth of this one.
Nice post! Can you tell me if you are wearing a lot of thick layers under the burgundy coat? I'm the same height but a little heavier than you and trying to decide if I should order 1 size bigger.
This is the kind of helpful post I've always loved about this blog. It's just you checking out real, affordable clothing and showing us how it fits on you, letting us know how it might fit on us by comparison.
Love the coat!!! I also can say Eddie Bauer has a great quality on their clothes. I have two coats from them both bought in Boston! (I live in Spain) and I still have them perfect!!! XoXo,
Those jackets look wonderful! I prefer the longer ones :3 ♡
* Blog de la Licorne *
I'm so happy I saw this post. I'm about to go on a ski trip so it's great to see your post with all the stylish winter gear that will keep me warm.
Love this post!
A warm coat is so essential in cold weather, thanks for the review!
Beautiful as always 🙂
I really like the white coat! X
I have the exact same Uniqlo Heattech turtle neck long sleeve! Did you only wear that inside this puffer coat, without a sweater or anything else? Although Uniqlo's Heattech material is really good, but even with their Ultra Warm line, I still have to wear a sweater outside to keep myself warm…
Julia || Closet de Jules || Recent Post – The Perfect Winter Quilt Coat
Looks great! Love your photos,they truly are amazing shots!
Interesting comment left about photos/backdrop. I live in PC and have been following this site for years…was a little bummed to see you didn't venture out more to some great photo op areas. The weather was perfect for your last cold weather outerwear posts.
Hi there, I was wondering if you have a tip to keep your fur hood from sliding down your face? It's fine when I wear a pom beanie or pony, but with my hair down, my eyes and half my face get buried.
I really love your winter white outfit! It's so pretty!
Jean what a great post! I am so glad to see you review puffers as I trust your advice on all other clothes and have been in need of a puffer for some time.
Questions I hope you can advise:
Eddie Bauer – description says premium down. Is this duck down or goose? I have read goose is warmer; does your research confer?
Would you consider a review of higher end/premium puffers? Would love and very much appreciate comparison of Canada Goose, Nobis, Para jumpers as this info seems hard to find from trustworthy sources and it's hard to drop so much $$$ on coat without guidance.
Thanks for considering!
How come your photos always come out perfect? Those backdrops! I love the white winter puffer coat too – I only have a black one, but seems like I need to invest in a white one now. 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Love that white coat on you! Snow angel <3
Enclothed Cognition
This is great! I was thinking of ordering a jacket from Eddie Bauer so your reviews are very timely! Thank you
This look is made for the snow!! You look so stylish