Petite Fashion Challenge #2, hosted by Kelly of AlterationsNeeded (my fave!):
“The challenge: Pick at least one item in your closet (not jeans, that’s too easy!), and create two outfits, one for spring/summer, and one for fall/winter.”
I sifted through my closet, and quickly decided on an H&M; peach tulip skirt. I splurged on it ($40) in the Spring and never wore it again. It’s slightly too short/whimsical for a business environment, and too dressy for my weekend lounging.
I took the easy way out and winter-ized this skirt with some black tights, while leaving the rest of the outfit (ruffled top, long cardigan) to mirror how I wore it in the Spring.
Skirt: H&M; “Trend” sz 4, Blouse: Target sz jrs XS, Cardigan: LOFT sz XXSP (buy here)
Wow, makeup and hair looks a little better this time around too. I almost look cross-eyed in the Spring photo; probably not used to being in photographs yet. I would’ve liked to add some dimension to the Fall/Winter ensemble with a print top, but in the interest of time just threw on hasty black.
Looks great! I want that whole fall/winter outfit! 🙂
So funny, I got the same floral top from Topshop, except mine is a racerback! My bestie sent it to me from Ireland!
Win a Banana Republic Statement Necklace at:
Love the floral look so pretty 🙂
^ Yep same here, I tend to read your blog on my phone. I'm definitely a fan though and I always look forward to your new posts! I love your summer ensemble, the color combo is very pretty. Please wear the peach skirt more because it's so cute 🙂
Gawd your posts area ALWAYS so inspiring. I guess you can same I'm a secret blog admirer. I do read every single one of your posts but I tend not to post a comment [because most of the time I'm on my phone and it's just too hard to type up a long comment with a touch screen]. Anyways.. I actually just bought a silk skirt from H&M; this Friday and now I can think of two ways to wear it. I love how tights can change up the feel of any skirt/dress outfits. I think it'll be a bit harder to dress down silk but I guess I'll have to find a way. Do you think you could do a post about that? Or have you done so before? I have horrible memory just an FYI. I tend to make people repeat things a bunch of times. My BF always makes fun of me and says I have a memory of a dog. {*LOL} so sad.. but probably so true.
<3s Serena.
Thanks so much guys! I can't believe how many participants there were this time around…I loved reading through each one of 'em.
Phuong – they are from H&M; sz XS, 40 den (density?). I stock up on them whenever H&M; has 20% off coupons!
Jess and Kelly – oo, thanks for the tip on those color combos. I need to try navy/gold and gray with this peach. Hopefully it's a win!
Aubrey – hehe, Boston is full of brick so pretty much every street I go to there is a brick wall to shoot against : ) Btw, I responded to your rainboot comment a while back (I can email you a photo). Did you end up ordering the HUnters?
CanadianPetite – that one is on my to-do list : ) I've been putting it off because my routine is too boring. I do have one little trick though that I discovered a while back to combat flat, thick/coarse hair so I will share that in a future vid. The black top is a previous find from Target out of all places! I bought 2 because I liked it so much and sold one off in the blog sale.
Jessy – thanks for that link! How nifty. I'm going to try to use that in the future.
Em – I know what you mean, it's definitely a puffy, tulip-esque skirt and I wish it was a little more fitted. Kelly tried it on too and said it fit really funky. I got mine from the big H&M; in NYC : )
April – Aw thank you! I'm definitley wearing falsies in the first photo – good eye! My natural lashes are sooo sparse they look non-existant.
No leg shaving that's about the only reason I like Winter haha! I really like both outfits, the skirt is just super versatile.
the skirt definitely adds colour to the fall black. great transformation~
I love both outfits! I wear a lot of tights and knee high boots in the winter with my skirts/dresses. I love the spring outfit, very cheery colors.
In the first photo I notice your lashes look so lush! Are you wearing false lashes? I love both outfits–you have an amazing sense of style. I love your styles because it's so classy. 🙂
That skirt is so cute on you! I tried in on in H&M; too, and it looked awful on me. I had a poof in front, and the back!
I want to try the skirt with tights thing, but I feel like a crazy person doing that in SoCal. No one wears tights here, even in the winter.
I bet that color skirt would also look great with navy and gray for fall. =)
Nice job. I love the spring look. The floral top is beautiful.
That summer look is still one of my favorites of your lookbooks so far. 🙂 I like how you paired it with all the darker shades for winter. I almost just stick wit safe colors like grey and black, but will have to rethink some other possibilities now!
I am loving the fal/winter look! and black tights are always good for making ur legs look longer and slimmer! love it!
I thought you were wearing a deep navy in the winter outfit (color combo I love). Was the blk top a recent find? I like both outfits but I love the contrast of the winter one best.
Would you do a quick video on the cut of your hair and how you style it?
Funny you should ask that 'cause I was gonna make another "blog tips" post suggesting this tool!!
Replying to your comment:
I just googled how to "add a reply link to blogger". xD
I believe this was the one I used: click.
I agree that it might be too "whimsical" for the office. maybe casual friday if your work has that.
Jean, I actually like your summer/spring hair back when you posted that pic. It's so voluminous!! I like how both pics are against a brick wall. Same spot?
My favorite is still the summer/spring look. You mixed the colors so well, it's aesthetically pleasing to my eyes.
Nicely done! I like the jewelry you've paired with each outfit as well. The addition of tights with a "short" skirt always makes me feel a bit more office appropriate….And I have to add that I like your hair and makeup in both photos!
Yes to black tights in the winter elongating your legs. Double yes to not shaving lol.
I love both looks but the color combination of the spring outfit is gorgeous, especially with the yellow cardigan!
"No need to shave, yay."
Word up. I do the same – wear all my skirts year-round, just with opaque or patterned tights in the winter. And I agree, it does make me more comfortable wearing shorter skirts in the office.
I saw that skirt in H&M; and I really wanted to buy it. But it fit me funny when I tried it on – it was too puffy in the front and the hem was really tight so I couldn't walk comfortably. I didn't buy it. Glad to see it fits you! Your spring/summer outfit is my favorite. The acid yellow of the cardigan adds an unexpected kick and tempers the super-feminity of the floral top and skirt. Well done!
I completely agree with you about the black tights and black pumps during the winter. It's my go-to work outfit, especially since I have such a hard time finding dress pants (I only have 2 pairs!) I really like this peach skirt, and I'm wondering how it'd look with different color combos as well- maybe a nice deep blue top with some gold accessories would look great!
I love both of your outfits but if I have to pick one, it would be your spring outfit. The pretty top and cardigan enhanced the overall look. I do think your Fall outfit is appropriate for work with black tights. Personally, I think the length of this skirt is perfect for petites
Oh my I LOVE both looks that you put together!!!! That skirt is very pretty, you should wear it more often.
I was so upset I totally missed this challenge. Things were crazy in the past few weeks so I didn't have enough time to dig in my closet by the time I found out about it.
That skirt is so precious, I really need that same exact skirt and incorporate it in my wardrobe! Like the other readers are commenting on the color changes make a huge difference to transition in between seasons. I really like how the pearls are there in both outfits as well. =0D
I love how you changed it up more so with colour rather than the actual types of items. Amazing!
I really like the fall/winter combo. I've never really thought of wearing a lighter coloured skirt with a dark blouse/sweater and tights…
I am kind of really digging the winter look (and tights on short(er) skirts are perfectly fine for work imo). I love how black looks against the peach (drool). The spring outfit I have loved since you initially posted it so I won't take up more comment space. Great outfits!
If I have to pick a favorite out of the two, I'd say the spring one. The floral top, the lime green cardi and the peach skirt, I would never have dreamed of putting these together and made it so pretty. 🙂 The fall look works very well too. I love tights as well, making it so easy to transform the skirts/dresses from summer to winter. Great job, Jean!
The skirt is gorgeous! The pleats give a nice touch^^
Nice outfits! You are very good at putting together styles.
I'd love to enter your challenge, but to be very honest, all my clothes are a little tight on me right now :O(
I love both your outfits!! But the spring one a little bit more because that Topshop blouse and the colour of your cardigan go so well together, it's perfection, really. I love all the black contrast to the skirt in your winter outfit as well, it emphasizes the top middle pleats of the skirt more for some reason, but I like it! Super cute skirt though; best of luck in the challenge!
Love both outfits! I think color is always great, especially in a skirt. Black tights + pumps are awesome, and I am DYING for a pair of nude heels! Great job and haha, no need to shave 😉
I like the way you mirrored the looks, that skirt is a really nice length on you!
Where do you get your opaque tights from?
Great outfit, the black makes the skirt really pop. The texture of your whole look more than makes up for the blackness of the outfit. It's so chic.
Btw, I love wearing black tights with pumps, but it rarely gets cold enough to bust it out. I tend to think that shorter skirts can become more appropriate with tights. =)
I love it all!
That topshop top is beautiful! I do the same thing with my skirts…add tights. 🙂
I think the black looks great with the skirt. That necklace is gorgeous!
lol I don't shave in the winter either. i love the summer look, the color combo and floral blouse is just to die for.
"No need to shave, yay." <- hahahah that's how I think too. ; ) I love the colours of the spring/summer outfit!
lol ! no need to shave ! ^_^
Haha… I love winter time for the same tights = no shaving reason too! I agree that I would've liked to see a different blouse in the winter outfit instead of black on black, but it still works. I absolutely love the spring/summer combo though… such a soft and pretty color palette! 🙂