Petite Fashion Challenge # 2: Wear it now, wear it later

Petite Fashion Challenge #2, hosted by Kelly of AlterationsNeeded (my fave!):

The challenge: Pick at least one item in your closet (not jeans, that’s too easy!), and create two outfits, one for spring/summer, and one for fall/winter.”

I sifted through my closet, and quickly decided on an H&M; peach tulip skirt. I splurged on it ($40) in the Spring and never wore it again. It’s slightly too short/whimsical for a business environment, and too dressy for my weekend lounging.

I took the easy way out and winter-ized this skirt with some black tights, while leaving the rest of the outfit (ruffled top, long cardigan) to mirror how I wore it in the Spring.

Outfit for Fall/Winter:
Skirt: H&M; “Trend” sz 4, Blouse: Target sz jrs XS, Cardigan: LOFT sz XXSP (buy here)


Outfit for Spring/Summer:
Skirt: H&M; sz 4, Blouse: Topshop sz 0P, Cardigan: Martin & Osa sz XS

Wow, makeup and hair looks a little better this time around too. I almost look cross-eyed in the Spring photo; probably not used to being in photographs yet. I would’ve liked to add some dimension to the Fall/Winter ensemble with a print top, but in the interest of time just threw on hasty black.

In winter I tend to “recycle” all my skirts by wearing them over opaque tights. No need to shave, yay. I think that black tights worn with black pumps has a similar elongating effect as bare legs with nude pumps. Black tights also make shorter skirts more work-appropriate because no real “leg” is being revealed. What do you guys think?


Be sure to check out Kelly’s post today for links to all the other participating petites : )
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  1. Jessica wrote:

    Looks great! I want that whole fall/winter outfit! 🙂

    Posted 10.9.10 Reply
  2. 20 York Street wrote:

    So funny, I got the same floral top from Topshop, except mine is a racerback! My bestie sent it to me from Ireland!


    Win a Banana Republic Statement Necklace at:


    Posted 10.7.10 Reply
  3. Renay Shanel wrote:

    Love the floral look so pretty 🙂

    Posted 10.5.10 Reply
  4. DoubleZero wrote:

    ^ Yep same here, I tend to read your blog on my phone. I'm definitely a fan though and I always look forward to your new posts! I love your summer ensemble, the color combo is very pretty. Please wear the peach skirt more because it's so cute 🙂

    Posted 10.5.10 Reply
  5. Serena wrote:

    Gawd your posts area ALWAYS so inspiring. I guess you can same I'm a secret blog admirer. I do read every single one of your posts but I tend not to post a comment [because most of the time I'm on my phone and it's just too hard to type up a long comment with a touch screen]. Anyways.. I actually just bought a silk skirt from H&M; this Friday and now I can think of two ways to wear it. I love how tights can change up the feel of any skirt/dress outfits. I think it'll be a bit harder to dress down silk but I guess I'll have to find a way. Do you think you could do a post about that? Or have you done so before? I have horrible memory just an FYI. I tend to make people repeat things a bunch of times. My BF always makes fun of me and says I have a memory of a dog. {*LOL} so sad.. but probably so true.

    <3s Serena.

    Posted 10.3.10 Reply
  6. PetiteAsianGirl wrote:

    Thanks so much guys! I can't believe how many participants there were this time around…I loved reading through each one of 'em.

    Phuong – they are from H&M; sz XS, 40 den (density?). I stock up on them whenever H&M; has 20% off coupons!

    Jess and Kelly – oo, thanks for the tip on those color combos. I need to try navy/gold and gray with this peach. Hopefully it's a win!

    Aubrey – hehe, Boston is full of brick so pretty much every street I go to there is a brick wall to shoot against : ) Btw, I responded to your rainboot comment a while back (I can email you a photo). Did you end up ordering the HUnters?

    CanadianPetite – that one is on my to-do list : ) I've been putting it off because my routine is too boring. I do have one little trick though that I discovered a while back to combat flat, thick/coarse hair so I will share that in a future vid. The black top is a previous find from Target out of all places! I bought 2 because I liked it so much and sold one off in the blog sale.

    Jessy – thanks for that link! How nifty. I'm going to try to use that in the future.

    Em – I know what you mean, it's definitely a puffy, tulip-esque skirt and I wish it was a little more fitted. Kelly tried it on too and said it fit really funky. I got mine from the big H&M; in NYC : )

    April – Aw thank you! I'm definitley wearing falsies in the first photo – good eye! My natural lashes are sooo sparse they look non-existant.

    Posted 10.3.10 Reply
  7. Annie P. wrote:

    No leg shaving that's about the only reason I like Winter haha! I really like both outfits, the skirt is just super versatile.

    Posted 10.3.10 Reply
  8. Angie wrote:

    the skirt definitely adds colour to the fall black. great transformation~

    Posted 10.3.10 Reply
  9. Nukem wrote:

    I love both outfits! I wear a lot of tights and knee high boots in the winter with my skirts/dresses. I love the spring outfit, very cheery colors.

    Posted 10.3.10 Reply
  10. April wrote:

    In the first photo I notice your lashes look so lush! Are you wearing false lashes? I love both outfits–you have an amazing sense of style. I love your styles because it's so classy. 🙂

    Posted 10.3.10 Reply
  11. Alterations Needed wrote:

    That skirt is so cute on you! I tried in on in H&M; too, and it looked awful on me. I had a poof in front, and the back!

    I want to try the skirt with tights thing, but I feel like a crazy person doing that in SoCal. No one wears tights here, even in the winter.

    I bet that color skirt would also look great with navy and gray for fall. =)

    Posted 10.3.10 Reply
  12. gigiofca wrote:

    Nice job. I love the spring look. The floral top is beautiful.

    Posted 10.2.10 Reply
  13. mich LA wrote:

    That summer look is still one of my favorites of your lookbooks so far. 🙂 I like how you paired it with all the darker shades for winter. I almost just stick wit safe colors like grey and black, but will have to rethink some other possibilities now!

    Posted 10.2.10 Reply
  14. Reemz wrote:


    I am loving the fal/winter look! and black tights are always good for making ur legs look longer and slimmer! love it!

    Posted 10.2.10 Reply
  15. Canadianpetite wrote:

    I thought you were wearing a deep navy in the winter outfit (color combo I love). Was the blk top a recent find? I like both outfits but I love the contrast of the winter one best.

    Would you do a quick video on the cut of your hair and how you style it?

    Posted 10.2.10 Reply
  16. The Little Dust Princess wrote:

    Funny you should ask that 'cause I was gonna make another "blog tips" post suggesting this tool!!

    Posted 10.2.10 Reply
  17. The Little Dust Princess wrote:

    Replying to your comment:

    I just googled how to "add a reply link to blogger". xD

    I believe this was the one I used: click.

    Posted 10.2.10 Reply
  18. AubreyOhDang! wrote:

    I agree that it might be too "whimsical" for the office. maybe casual friday if your work has that.

    Jean, I actually like your summer/spring hair back when you posted that pic. It's so voluminous!! I like how both pics are against a brick wall. Same spot?

    My favorite is still the summer/spring look. You mixed the colors so well, it's aesthetically pleasing to my eyes.

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  19. Callandra wrote:

    Nicely done! I like the jewelry you've paired with each outfit as well. The addition of tights with a "short" skirt always makes me feel a bit more office appropriate….And I have to add that I like your hair and makeup in both photos!

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  20. Cee wrote:

    Yes to black tights in the winter elongating your legs. Double yes to not shaving lol.

    I love both looks but the color combination of the spring outfit is gorgeous, especially with the yellow cardigan!

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  21. Em wrote:

    "No need to shave, yay."

    Word up. I do the same – wear all my skirts year-round, just with opaque or patterned tights in the winter. And I agree, it does make me more comfortable wearing shorter skirts in the office.

    I saw that skirt in H&M; and I really wanted to buy it. But it fit me funny when I tried it on – it was too puffy in the front and the hem was really tight so I couldn't walk comfortably. I didn't buy it. Glad to see it fits you! Your spring/summer outfit is my favorite. The acid yellow of the cardigan adds an unexpected kick and tempers the super-feminity of the floral top and skirt. Well done!

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  22. Jess wrote:

    I completely agree with you about the black tights and black pumps during the winter. It's my go-to work outfit, especially since I have such a hard time finding dress pants (I only have 2 pairs!) I really like this peach skirt, and I'm wondering how it'd look with different color combos as well- maybe a nice deep blue top with some gold accessories would look great!

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  23. PetiteLittleGirl wrote:

    I love both of your outfits but if I have to pick one, it would be your spring outfit. The pretty top and cardigan enhanced the overall look. I do think your Fall outfit is appropriate for work with black tights. Personally, I think the length of this skirt is perfect for petites

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  24. Nelah wrote:

    Oh my I LOVE both looks that you put together!!!! That skirt is very pretty, you should wear it more often.

    I was so upset I totally missed this challenge. Things were crazy in the past few weeks so I didn't have enough time to dig in my closet by the time I found out about it.

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  25. Banhannas wrote:

    That skirt is so precious, I really need that same exact skirt and incorporate it in my wardrobe! Like the other readers are commenting on the color changes make a huge difference to transition in between seasons. I really like how the pearls are there in both outfits as well. =0D

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  26. curls-and-pearls wrote:

    I love how you changed it up more so with colour rather than the actual types of items. Amazing!

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  27. CynthiaC wrote:

    I really like the fall/winter combo. I've never really thought of wearing a lighter coloured skirt with a dark blouse/sweater and tights…

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  28. Elle wrote:

    I am kind of really digging the winter look (and tights on short(er) skirts are perfectly fine for work imo). I love how black looks against the peach (drool). The spring outfit I have loved since you initially posted it so I won't take up more comment space. Great outfits!

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  29. Vicky wrote:

    If I have to pick a favorite out of the two, I'd say the spring one. The floral top, the lime green cardi and the peach skirt, I would never have dreamed of putting these together and made it so pretty. 🙂 The fall look works very well too. I love tights as well, making it so easy to transform the skirts/dresses from summer to winter. Great job, Jean!

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  30. Tammy wrote:

    The skirt is gorgeous! The pleats give a nice touch^^

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  31. The Girlie Blog wrote:

    Nice outfits! You are very good at putting together styles.

    I'd love to enter your challenge, but to be very honest, all my clothes are a little tight on me right now :O(

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  32. nicole wrote:

    I love both your outfits!! But the spring one a little bit more because that Topshop blouse and the colour of your cardigan go so well together, it's perfection, really. I love all the black contrast to the skirt in your winter outfit as well, it emphasizes the top middle pleats of the skirt more for some reason, but I like it! Super cute skirt though; best of luck in the challenge!

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  33. MoneyMaus wrote:

    Love both outfits! I think color is always great, especially in a skirt. Black tights + pumps are awesome, and I am DYING for a pair of nude heels! Great job and haha, no need to shave 😉

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  34. olyvia wrote:

    I like the way you mirrored the looks, that skirt is a really nice length on you!

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  35. phuongle83 wrote:

    Where do you get your opaque tights from?

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  36. stylepint wrote:

    Great outfit, the black makes the skirt really pop. The texture of your whole look more than makes up for the blackness of the outfit. It's so chic.

    Btw, I love wearing black tights with pumps, but it rarely gets cold enough to bust it out. I tend to think that shorter skirts can become more appropriate with tights. =)

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  37. Michelle wrote:

    I love it all!

    That topshop top is beautiful! I do the same thing with my skirts…add tights. 🙂

    I think the black looks great with the skirt. That necklace is gorgeous!

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  38. I am Khatu wrote:

    lol I don't shave in the winter either. i love the summer look, the color combo and floral blouse is just to die for.

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  39. The Little Dust Princess wrote:

    "No need to shave, yay." <- hahahah that's how I think too. ; ) I love the colours of the spring/summer outfit!

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  40. siwing wrote:

    lol ! no need to shave ! ^_^

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply
  41. PetiteXXS wrote:

    Haha… I love winter time for the same tights = no shaving reason too! I agree that I would've liked to see a different blouse in the winter outfit instead of black on black, but it still works. I absolutely love the spring/summer combo though… such a soft and pretty color palette! 🙂

    Posted 10.1.10 Reply

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