Petals, Brights & Stripes at the Boston Public Garden

public garden floral stripes1

Equipment Brett blouse (gift last yr from my friend Elle), Ann Taylor striped dress (similar on sale)
Ted Baker clutch c/o (PS – Nordies’ half-yearly sale has begun! Great source for shoes down to a sz 4)

Nick and I were rushing through the Public Garden en route to lunch with friends, but couldn’t resist pausing to enjoy the unusual peace and quiet. The ducks and swans were gliding leisurely on the lake, and the blooms on the trees were spilling over onto the lawn. It’s moments like these that make me fall in love with Boston all over again.
public garden floral stripes

On my casual wear shopping list is a simple, navy & white knit striped tube skirt. For a basic piece to be worn for years to come, I’ve been looking for something with a sturdy weight and durable material. The ones I’ve tried have been thin and flimsy, or in pilling-prone materials that may not last through washes. It seems easy enough to make with the right fabric find, but til then, I’ve been re-working items in my closet to fill the void. This old dress from Ann Taylor is an office favorite…for slightly more casual outfits, I shortened the length by folding excess fabric over the top of a belt, then buttoned a shirt over the entire upper half. at striped dress Works best for more fitted dresses – 1) Add belt; 2) Fold excess length over top of belt; 3) Conceal w/ blouse

Equipment receives rave reviews from silk blouse lovers, but the cut of most of their items is not petite-friendly. I tried on several styles and the “Brett” fit the most narrow across the shoulders and torso. Since these tops are in regular sizing, the sleeves will be long on petite-length arms. I’ve been enjoying this one as a vibrant, casual-fit top (wearing size XS), and may pay to get the sleeves shortened. public-garden-floral-stripes4While looking for a fun alternative to solid-colored nails, I found that take-out chopsticks can come in handy. Simply dabble some opaque-formula polish onto a piece of cardboard or glossed paper, and stamp the polish evenly onto pre-painted nails. I’ll be using the same method to try flowers next with ~6 circles as petals, and a different colored one for the center.
polka dot nailsWhen stamping with your weaker hand, I found it easiest to rest the wrist of the hand holding the chopstick against a counter top, and move/rotate the hand being stamped. I initially started with toothpicks but the dots were tiny and tedious to do…after switching to chopsticks, it took less than 2 minutes to finish both hands.

public-garden-floral-stripes3This is a scheduled post. I will try to answer any questions upon my return : )
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  1. LinaG wrote:

    I have the exact same dress. I love love this dress!!!

    Posted 8.29.13 Reply
  2. lilyrose perfume wrote:

    Where i can find this bag ? … i love it too much i am asian style also … kiss Kitty …

    Posted 8.26.13 Reply
  3. Fatty's Wife wrote:

    I really like the tip you gave when doing your nails! Shame mine still look a state! I will keep practicing though!

    Posted 6.5.13 Reply
  4. Kristy wrote:

    I love the dress. I liked how you matched it with a yellow shirt as well. x

    Posted 6.5.13 Reply

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