White Jeans + Printed Scarf (& H&M 35% off coupon)


H&M; jacket (alteration tutorial), tee, clutch, and belt from dress, thrift store scarf
Old Navy jeans in petite, Target sandals (old) (similar for $40)

Just wanted to say a quick hello and apologize for my lack of responsiveness over the months. I will do my best to respond to your comments and messages in June. Today’s post is just another casual studying outfit. I study at my office for about 12 hours at a time, and must be comfortable, but not too comfy in fear of dozing off! By putting on a full outfit complete with accessories (even if only my books will get to see it), I feel more in the right frame of mind to be productive. Anyone else feel the same way?
To spruce up a simple jeans + tee combo, I added a silk printed scarf scored for about $3 at the thrift store, my fave buckle belt, and some strappy sandals. For anyone who scorns H&M; and Target items because they are low-quality…I can’t even count how much wear these 3-yr old $20 sandals and $17 clutch have gotten, while still looking fairly pristine. If you are selective with design and materials, there are definitely gems to be found at fast-fashion and discount retailers…

This is my second pair of Old Navy rock star jeggings (see black styled here) (gave away russet to my cousin in China), and I have developed mixed feelings about them. On one hand, I definitely appreciate that they run small and are available in several inseams and colors (although ON needs to do a better job of restocking!). I also like the price tag of $30-$35 plus their frequent discounts. On the other hand, the fit is inconsistent and the design & material in my opinion don’t compare to some of Gap’s legging jeans (here’s an option in a nice dark wash). The material of my ON jeans feel stiff in general, and the black pair attracts lint like none other. Gap definitely has their material and sizing inconsistencies too, though, so you never really know until you try a style on.
whitejeans2On a separate note – H&M; lovers can print out this coupon for 35% off (highest I’ve ever seen from them) one item. Technically it’s for email subscribers, so sign up for their emails to receive coupons going forward. Thanks so much to SewPetiteGal for tweeting this during her early-morning sale alerts. She was so kind to also message me directly just in case this H&M; lover missed it : )

Armed with my coupon, I popped in at lunch and was soon ready to leave empty-handed. I tried on some cute, colorful bracelets (the petite wrist-friendly mint and peach bangles are a set), but wasn’t enticed enough to buy. I was also sorely disappointed by the tent-like winning Fashion Star dresses – I guess runway looks don’t translate well for shorties in real life! Here’s a 2 on me (per the model this dress is supposed to be around knee-length) for shits and giggles:
fashionstar bracelets
On my way out, I spotted a flash of neon out of the corner of my eye and was thrilled to see these highlighter yellow sandals (item # 067212) fully stocked on a shelf. I had called around for them after this post with no luck, and assumed they had come and gone quickly. They are definitely more neon yellow-green in person than the warm yellow shown in the picture, which is too bad, but I might alter the color later. I grabbed a US 5/ EUR 36 (feels like a 5.5) for just $22.75 after the coupon. They are quite fun and look sturdy (more so than F21 shoes), and are a very welcome addition to my collection of neutral heels.

Readers – Please share any good finds with your H&M; coupon!
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When you purchase through the links on this blog, I may earn a commission. Thank you for your support!

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  1. Beth wrote:

    Is there a particular style of jean – straight leg, boot cut, etc. – that looks better on a petite size? I've read on another blog that boot cut is the most figure flattering but you look amazing in skinny jeans. Help! I've just bought two pair of white straight leg jeans but haven't worn them yet.

    Thank you!

    Posted 4.4.13 Reply
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    Posted 12.13.12 Reply
  4. Danielle H. wrote:

    Hi Jean!

    This has got to be one of my favorite outfit posts! I loved how you transformed the tee and jean look! How did you do such an amazing job?!

    Anyway, I wanted to ask how you tied your scarf to achieve that drape-y look? 🙂

    Thank you!

    Posted 7.10.12 Reply
  5. theheadtiltblog wrote:

    You're really pretty, love your effortlessstyling 🙂

    Posted 6.15.12 Reply
  6. inam rehman wrote:

    here is i fashion bug want to introduced the all saints clothing tight jeans fashion and i am sure that you will like it very much because these are new tea collection in the world and these are designed by me.

    Posted 6.13.12 Reply
  7. Plumi wrote:

    You always look so sophisticated! Very beautiful!

    Posted 6.9.12 Reply
  8. CamMi Pham wrote:

    Love your outfit especially the scarf. Your outfit looks expensive. A big problem for Asian, most of us are so petite. I am glad that you are blogging about it.


    Posted 5.28.12 Reply
  9. Jessica Broyles wrote:

    Sooo funny about the tent dress! I love the white jeans with the colorful scarf, though! 🙂


    Posted 5.24.12 Reply
  10. MiniMeStyle wrote:

    Hi there – thanks for swinging by my blog and commenting the other day – I'm so happy to have found yours in return! You have fabulous style, and I love the blogroll listing all the other petite bloggers out there. I can't wait to look through your archives at all your outfits. 🙂

    Posted 5.24.12 Reply
  11. Anna D Kart wrote:

    Thank you for the coupon!!!! love your outfit!

    Posted 5.22.12 Reply
  12. Frugalista wrote:

    I envy your closet! I feel like if I had your wardrobe, I would never run out of clothes! haha. You just have fantastic taste

    I'm actually starting a new personal challenge. No shopping for 3 months! I'm going to write about the tough challenge on my blog 🙂

    Posted 5.22.12 Reply
  13. Kelly wrote:
    Posted 5.21.12 Reply
  14. Anonymous wrote:

    Hello Jean, I love your blog because we have the same physical type (low and lean) and a while I look for a blog where the blogger was like me physically. I am Brazilian and I will continue seeing your blog, bjos

    Posted 5.20.12 Reply
  15. Rinny wrote:

    I love this outfit! The scarf really adds a nice pop of color to all of the neutrals. The blazer fits you very well too.

    Posted 5.20.12 Reply
  16. L in Brooklyn wrote:

    You did a really nice job with the blazer, Jean. It fits you beautifully. I love the pop of color that the scarf adds too!

    Posted 5.20.12 Reply
  17. audrey wrote:

    I feel the same too (regarding the dressing for studying part)! But my guy housemate never understood that and thinks I overdress for my library sessions lol!

    Out of curiousity though, what are you studying for? So sorry, haven't been a long reader of yours, but I love your sense of style! (:

    Posted 5.20.12 Reply
  18. thesmartflavour wrote:

    Love this outfit, especially how you match the scarf with the t-shirt..!!

    Posted 5.20.12 Reply
  19. The Petite Way wrote:

    Lovely blog you have! I'm a petite blogger too. Would love your feedback as I just started.



    Posted 5.20.12 Reply
  20. Anonymous wrote:

    Awesome post. I also like this blog too


    Posted 5.19.12 Reply
  21. Lauren @ honeybear wrote:

    This is so chic! I love the scarf and blazer.


    Posted 5.19.12 Reply
  22. Anonymous wrote:

    I agreed , it's getting more and more disgusting !

    Posted 5.19.12 Reply
  23. Alexia wrote:

    I love this look! You are so pretty and have such great style! I've been following your blog for awhile now, but am now just finding the courage to leave comments for the bloggers I follow. It probably sounds silly, but it's true! Anyway, I can completely relate to the whole putting together a full outfit and feeling in the right frame of mind, but in a different way…I live in a rural area, so while your books make up the audience, my audience is a bunch of people running around in baggy t-shirts, jeans and sneakers who could care less if I wore a paper bag as an outfit (so it's kind of like dressing for your books, haha). Also,I no longer have to study for anything so my "right frame of mind" = feeling ready to tackle the day. Still, I think I feel happier and more confident when I've put together an outfit, so I think I get what you mean 🙂 Looking forward to reading more of your posts!


    Posted 5.19.12 Reply
  24. A Petite Treat wrote:

    i love EVERYTHING about this outfit!!!

    A Petite Treat

    Posted 5.19.12 Reply
  25. Rachel wrote:

    I just stumbled on your blog and fell in love! You have such a distinct voice and it's so different from the day to day style bloggers.

    And thanks so much for the discount! oxox going to H&M; tomorrow!

    Posted 5.19.12 Reply
  26. Mangotatoes wrote:

    If you're interested, I recently purchased white "jegging" denim pants from Abercrombie kids. Usually the length is somewhat long, but they actually stop at my ankles and are very flattery. The quality is amazing as usual and it's around $50. I'm 5 feet around 83 lbs and I bought a size 12. Hope this helps!


    Posted 5.19.12 Reply
  27. PITA wrote:

    H&M; is the bomb , great photos 🙂


    Posted 5.18.12 Reply
  28. Anonymous wrote:

    Good luck with the exam! I'm studying for the CFA as well so I know how demanding the studying is. May I will try to put some effort into my studying outfit this weekend instead of the usual yoga pants and sweatshirt =)

    Posted 5.18.12 Reply
  29. dietingfashions wrote:

    I really like the jacket! The outfit is so stylish and polished but inexpensive. Great look!


    Posted 5.18.12 Reply
  30. lepakking wrote:

    You're anything but perfect, no thank you.

    Posted 5.18.12 Reply
  31. Michelle wrote:

    Hi Ney!

    Kelly at Alterations Needed has a page about a few petite-friendly bangles/bracelets:


    Posted 5.18.12 Reply
  32. Michelle wrote:

    Good luck on your studying! Good idea on choosing an outfit to keep you alert! Love the color combo you put together!

    You are usually the one that gives me the urge to try out H&M; or Old Navy. 🙂

    Enjoy your weekend! Hopefully you have some time to relax! 🙂

    Posted 5.18.12 Reply
  33. Ney wrote:

    I'm so happy I found your blog! Quick question, I have really small wrists and it's very difficult to find bangles that won't fall off. Do you know of any stores that carry smaller sizes?

    Posted 5.18.12 Reply
  34. DIANA D. wrote:

    you are so pretty! And I absolutely love how you combined all the colors !:)

    Posted 5.18.12 Reply
  35. Ping wrote:


    Posted 5.18.12 Reply
  36. Ping wrote:

    jean, this is such a cute casual outfit! i live the scarf, definitely makes the oufit. you look so good in white jeans too and so tall in the 2nd photo. good luck with studying!!

    Posted 5.18.12 Reply
  37. Monica wrote:

    i love white jeans! they look great on you too!


    Posted 5.18.12 Reply
  38. Anonymous wrote:

    Hi Jean!

    I love your style and your blog! I had a question about the Ann Taylor perfect pumps– After reading about them on your blog, I've been stalking the Ann Taylor site to buy the classic perfect pumps, but it seems as if they never have my size (5.5) Do you know how often they are back in stock? And should I ever buy them full price? Thanks!

    Posted 5.18.12 Reply
  39. Joy wrote:

    Those yellow sandals look fun. I'd love to be able to just try them on. I stopped by a couple of H&M;'s today with that 35% off coupon on my phone, but I didn't see those sandals anywhere. = Oh well, it's not something I would have a lot of use for. Can't wait to see you do outfit posts with those yellow heels!

    Posted 5.18.12 Reply

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