Preview: Maine Getaway


Oversized ruffle dress: old BR (similar),  Beaded drop necklace: Forever21 (similar)
Floppy straw hat (my new love!): Gap outlet (similar larger-brim, similar smaller-brim)

Just got back from three days in Maine filled with excessive seafood and good company. I hope US & Canadian readers enjoyed the holiday weekend as much as I did! Here is a preview of gratuitous photo and video footage to ensue later this week.

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  1. jess wrote:

    Great outfit! Love those pictures as well!!

    Posted 7.9.11 Reply
  2. Anonymous wrote:

    BTW! You can check out my profile at
    M, the Argie

    Posted 7.8.11 Reply
  3. Anonymous wrote:

    I wish I were, alterations are costly indeed, but they make my clothes look so much better they are worth the money! πŸ˜€
    M, the Argie

    Posted 7.8.11 Reply
  4. The Colour Gurl wrote:

    You have impeccable style. Thank you for the awesome tips! You have really helped me to embrace the petite dynamo I am. Question: I have the worse time with finding necklaces that fall at my various balance points. Any suggestions on how to make a necklace shorter without it being obvious to the world?

    Posted 7.7.11 Reply
  5. Jackie wrote:

    Whoops! Lol, I read you latest post and commented on this one =3

    Posted 7.7.11 Reply
  6. Jackie wrote:

    Thanks for sharing with us, Jean! I love these pictures. You and the bf are so cute!!

    Everything looks so good! Now that I live closer to Maine I'll have to visit =)

    Posted 7.7.11 Reply
  7. PetiteAsianGirl wrote:

    Aw, thank you everyone! Our friend (not a photographer) snapped these for us after lunch : )

    @H Work trousers are incredibly hard. Probably the hardest thing to find for petite women because we all have different waist, hip, butt, thigh proportions! I only own a few pairs of pants and I've had them all slimmed in the thighs and some hemmed and taken in at the waist. Mine are from Theory sz 00 from the outlets. You should check the Alterations Needed forum for petites ( as I think there are some threads on work pants under "The Fitting Room" section. Good luck! This is why I stick to skirts and dresses!

    @cadrommy You're right it does get hot under there! Hats are probably perfect for sunny but breezy days…no more than 75 degrees.

    @Anonymous If you're not comfortable with skinnier arms and legs, you can mask it by wearing garments that makes the skinniness show less. For example, long skirts and maxi dresses can help conceal thin legs (for colder weather, AlterationsNeeded blogged about ribbed or textured tights to make her legs appear a little thicker), and flowier long sleeve blouses (like chiffon or silk) could billow at the arms and make arms look less thin.

    @Thu Opening a B&B; is definitely THE life for old spinsters in Maine : ) The one we stayed at, the owners talked about running the inn leisurely, then going on various vacations, staying at other B&B;'s during downtime.

    @PetiteLittleGirl I can't eat grocery store lobster anymore! I used to think it was a treat, but now they just taste like tank versus ocean…

    @Michelle LOL yes she was…I'm still down for a future trip, though!

    @Anonymous Thank you! And I'm sorry about the giveaways…I'll make a future one international : ) I'd love to hear about the petite fashion situation in a different country! I've found trusty favorite stores here in the US, but I wonder if it's easier or harder in South America!

    @Anonymous Hi M.! Are alterations as costly in Argentina as they are here? Or are you a skilled tailor : )

    @Lauren Thank you, Lauren! Enjoy your blog – it's a great way to document and share your journey, and I'm sure lots of women can benefit from finding style on a small budget!

    @Anonymous Thank you! Nick took the first one but our friend snapped the second one. Depending on what photo software you have, it's just the "sepia" tint which makes it look aged. If you use Photoshop, you can buy "actions" from places like Totally Rad (they also have free sample actions).

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  8. Elaine A (TOBeautyReviews) wrote:

    Awww Jean, how did I miss this post?!? You and Nick are ADORABLE!!! <3

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  9. Anonymous wrote:

    LOVE the photos!!! Can you tell me how your bf (he takes the photos right?) gets those kinds of colors? I'd like to learn how to do that. I think there is a name for that kind of effect but I can't remember what it is.

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  10. Lauren wrote:

    I absolutely /adore/ your blog. Ever since I found it a month or so ago, I have gone back and read each and every one of your posts!

    You've inspired me to take more care with my style, to put in more effort each day, and to even start a blog of my own, chronicling my quest to get good petite fashion on a seriously small budget!

    Thanks so much for the great blog, and the great inspiration!

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  11. o0SerenityAngel0o wrote:

    I absolutely love that dress. You look so stunning in these pictures. The very last one is so cute πŸ™‚

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  12. Anonymous wrote:

    i love all ur posts! i'm petite too and have a really hard time finding clothes that fit. I end up altering everything… Regards from Buenos Aires, Argentina! πŸ˜€

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  13. Anonymous wrote:

    Jean you look amazing!!! Let me tell you, I was a little bit sad because of the giveaways… I'm from South America and I've been reading you a lot lately. I love the style of the petite fashion bloggers. I get so much inspired!!. I feel that even if we live in different parts of the continent I can totally feel related to you guys. So just a big thank you! I would like to mail you one day and shared some stories about the difficulties of the "perfect fit", not only in the U.S. XO – Vanesa.

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  14. Michelle wrote:

    Gorgeous! I am loving your hat, too!! I cannot wait to see the pics from your Maine trip! I hear Ping was trying to coax you into a Vegas trip! :p

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  15. Verity and Rose wrote:

    omg love those pictures and that last pictures! soooo cute! πŸ™‚

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  16. Gracie wrote:

    the second photo is too adorable!

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  17. Callandra wrote:

    What adorable pictures Jean, I totally love them!!

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  18. PetiteLittleGirl wrote:

    You look beautiful as always, Jean! Looks like you had a lovely weekend. You two make such a cute couple. I am sure Maine lobster tasted 100 times better than the frozen ones at the supermarket:)

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  19. Thu wrote:

    that last picture was really cute!:) wow, i was discussing vacation options with my friend and talked about going to maine few months ago, but didn't realize there were quite a few people who also think about going there for vacation! it seems so peaceful and have awesome seafood. my friend and i had discussed opening a bed and breakfast there if we become old spinsters one day…:)

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  20. Ping wrote:

    awww you and nick are so adorable together!!! too cute! hope you hade a nice 4th of july!

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  21. Angie wrote:

    you look gorgeous ! so cute πŸ™‚

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  22. Kelly wrote:

    love your dress and the pix! the last one is great! and yay for the hat you have – they're always so classic

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  23. Katherine wrote:

    Jean you are gorgeous here and I love the photo of you and your boy – so adorable! I love Maine and am sad I can't visit it so easily anymore πŸ™‚ Looking forward to seeing photos of all the food and fun!

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  24. β™₯ Natalie wrote:

    Awesome pictures!!

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  25. Anonymous wrote:

    The last picture is amazing! πŸ™‚

    Do you have any advice on looking older for someone with very skinny arms/legs? I'm 5'3", but have relatively long arms and legs. They look extremely skinny.

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  26. Nelah wrote:

    Lobe Forever21 accessories, they are not too bad in terms of quality in my opinion. Perfect pairing with your dress and nail polish.

    The pic of you and your bf is beautiful.

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  27. Kirsty wrote:

    what a pretty dress! looks so comfy too πŸ™‚

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  28. simplyvonne wrote:

    omgosh that pix of you and ur bf is soo adorable!! cant wait to see more!

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  29. cadrommy wrote:

    You look fabulous as always! I love your hat! I love hats but I can never wear them, I can't stand sweating underneath them. Lol.

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  30. Maeve Rachel wrote:

    I love your outfit! The last photo is so cute! I love it! =)

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  31. Emily wrote:

    That is probably the best picture of you to date! And I love the couple pic of you and Nick… Awwwwh.

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  32. Russian Chic wrote:

    What a precious couple!

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  33. Rinny wrote:

    You look so pretty in the first photo Jean! And you and your hubby are so cute together. Hope you both had a wonderful long weekend!

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  34. MizzJ wrote:

    Aww that 2nd photo is just adorable! And love your F21 necklace!

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  35. Heather wrote:

    I love the necklace on you! It's true how accessories spice up an outfit so much. & that is SUCH a cute couple picture! (:

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  36. H wrote:

    Hey Jean! I was wondering if you could do a post about finding the perfect work trousers? Even when I go to size 00 and the waist fits, every thing looks awkward on me. I don't know if it is because I am not used to the style, but I look like I have no shape under the pants. I also have a pretty small waist for an 'adult' (sz23) so even finding something that fits at the waist is difficult. Children's pants are awkward because the legs and bum don't fit :*(

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  37. Rainy Days and Lattes wrote:

    Adorable pics! πŸ™‚

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  38. Stephie wrote:

    You are so gorgeous Jean! I love the ruffle dress and the accessories. I love the last pic, so so so darn adorable!!! Happy 4th <3

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  39. kileen wrote:

    Beautiful pictures! Can't wait to see more pics, especially with the floppy hat!

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  40. kileen wrote:

    Beautiful pictures! Can't wait to see more pics, especially with the floppy hat!

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  41. Mindyβ™₯ wrote:

    Jean!! You look so relaxed and gorgeous in your picture!! Loving the last pic as well! Too cute! Happy 4th of July!

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  42. Jen wrote:

    Awww Jean you look absolutely gorgeous and the last photo really could not be any cuter. I want to be jealous but I just can't because you two look so darn adorable πŸ˜‰ Can't wait to see more photos from the trip and glad you had a good long weekend!


    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  43. Jane Squared wrote:

    MAINE! I've always wanted to go lobstering there. The second photo has gotten me excited for your post on what Maine has to offer! πŸ˜€

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  44. Iyah wrote:

    aweee so sweet!! πŸ™‚ you look so pretty!

    Posted 7.5.11 Reply
  45. Eve wrote:

    awww looks like so much fun! u two looks adorable!!

    Posted 7.4.11 Reply
  46. R.L. wrote:

    Hahaha, love the last photo especially! Can't wait to see more! And now you suddenly have me lusting for a straw hat…

    Posted 7.4.11 Reply
  47. DSK Steph wrote:

    You love birds are adorable! I was just talking to Minh about Maine! I've been watching Youtube videos about the fabulous East Coast. πŸ˜€

    Happy 4th of July!

    Posted 7.4.11 Reply
  48. The Little Dust Princess wrote:

    The necklace is perfect with your dress! And omg! You're wearing a hat..something we rarely see. πŸ˜€ Would like a frontal shot though ; )

    And hey hey, Canadians had Canada Day this weekend too πŸ˜€

    Posted 7.4.11 Reply
  49. Michelleesque wrote:

    I absolutely love your outfit and that last photo is adorable! I can't wait to see your post on Maine! πŸ™‚

    Posted 7.4.11 Reply

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