Seafood Feast at Neptune Oyster

I didn’t participate in this month’s Petite Fashion Challenge # 8 “Spinning the Favorite,” but please visit Gracie’s post to see her entry as well as 24 other ladies’ outfits!

Last Sunday, my blog friend Ping came to town and we spent a lovely afternoon roaming the city, shopping on Newbury St, drinking, and eating ourselves silly. We started off at Legal Seafood (local chain – don’t love it, but it was close by) for Ping’s first oyster experience. “Should I chew?” she asked, as she accidentally gulped it down whole. Next, we moseyed over to the North End to put our name down at Neptune Oyster. With 3 $$$, 750 reviews, and almost 5 stars on Yelp, this place is famous for it’s seafood and long waits (which can get up to 3+ hours for dinner). Our wait was under 1 hr, abd we killed time by reading magazines in CVS.

Appetizer: Hamachi Crudo


Entree #1: North End Cioppino (giant prawns, salmon, shellfish, and saffron rice in a spicy broth)


Entree #2: Neptune Oyster’s famous Hot Maine Lobster Roll

All in all the food was delicious. A must-try for true seafood lovers visiting Boston. There were so many huge chunks of buttery lobster in the roll, we could barely finish just the filling. For those who’ve never come to New England, chowing down lobster rolls are quite the popular pastime here : ) I even tried my hand at homemade ones last year with grocery store lobsters – not the same.

 All Speedy’d out at Copley Square – more pics in Ping’s post

In my last post, I inadvertently stirred up a bit of “West vs East coast” chatter. I’ve always wanted to move to sunny Southern CA where Nick is from, and used to not care for Boston (we both moved here for college). Over the past few years, though, I’ve come to develop a deep appreciation for the history of the city, the convenience of a completely walk-able city (I loathe driving!), beautiful Autumns filled with apple cider and cider donuts, and of course, the amazing fresh lobster, clam chowder, and oysters. Oh, and the simple joy of eating a piping-hot bowl of pho or shabu shabu when it’s 2 degrees out. One thing I definitely will not miss, however, is wearing four layers in June.

Readers – I know many of you are from the West coast, and maybe a sprinkling from the Northeast? Please share some of the things you love about where you live! And fellow Bostonians – what are some of your favorite things about this city?

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  1. Tina wrote:

    I'm going to Boston for my boyfriend's birthday and I have my fingers crossed he doesn't want to go somewhere other than Neptune Oyster. I went to your blog to look for recs and those photos are killing me. My stomach will never be appeased until it gets some of that heaven.

    Posted 10.23.12 Reply
  2. Mona wrote:

    oh legal seafoods… I had it 3 times within in one weekend when I was in cambridge about a month ago >___

    Posted 7.1.11 Reply
  3. Vanessa wrote:

    Jean-sorry it took me so long to respond, I had trouble figuring out how to post again. Just wanted to thank you for the outlet tips.

    Posted 6.28.11 Reply
  4. wrote:

    Best thing about living in SoCal – the weather! Second best is the laid back lifestyle, which suits me well. I was always stressed out living in Chicago, even if I had no reason to be!

    Also I love when I see my some of favorite bloggers meeting up together in one picture! 🙂

    Posted 6.24.11 Reply
  5. Nina wrote:

    Go Boston Bruins!!!! Haha (I'm from Vancouver, where your home team won the Stanley Cup 😉

    Posted 6.24.11 Reply

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