A boost for As and Bs: The Little Bra Company

To me, a good push-up bra is a must-have accessory – one that I leave at home for work and family gatherings, and whip out for weekends and going out. Finding ones that suit my petite frame has never been an issue, because my mom buys them for me by the dozen in Asia. In this half of the hemisphere, however, The Little Bra Company (TLBC) bras are amongst the best that I’ve tried on.

I first heard about TLBC from Alterations Needed  – see her posts here and here. They specialize in A and B cup push-up bras in band sizes ranging from 28 to 36. TLBC recently contacted me and kindly offered to send a sample, as well as sponsor a giveaway for readers (stay tuned!).

Here is a demonstration of how their strategic push-up bra compares to one I got years ago from a department store. First up, TLBC Angela T-shirt bra, $52:

Left: Lily of France push up in 32A (from JCPennys)

Right: TLBC “Angela” in 32A (sold here)

H&M; dress, sz 2

I say these bras are strategic because the cups are shaped and the padding is placed to maximize petite-sized goods. Take a look inside the Angela:

The padding on the Angela is placed at approximately 45 degree angles, and the cups are closely set. Instructions on the attached TLBC tag say to lean forward and “scoop” up towards the center. By scooping more or less, one can control the amount of cleavage. For a simple sundress, I scooped minimally so that the goods were boosted, but not obnoxious:
I also tried on the Sascha strapless in pearl, $60, which I love. I actually do not own a strapless (prior strapless photos had straps stuffed in to the cups) because the ones I’ve tried on tend to be either too flattening or too roomy. The Sascha in 32A fit me perfectly both band and cup-wise. It comes in pearl white and black, and will also come out in nude this Fall. I would say that 90% of my bras are nude colored, because nude camoflauges so much better under clothing.
The padding inside the Sascha is different from the Angela – the pads are placed at the bottom instead of at angles, and both pads and straps are removable. This structure results in less cleavage than the Angela, but is better suited for strapless support.
As you can see from the comparison photo – the cups of the Angela are also more narrowly placed than the Sascha. Although both bras are the same size (32A), the Angela measures 9 inches from the edge of cup to cup, whereas the Sascha measures 10 inches. Again, the closer cups seem to play a big role in maximizing cleavage, but if you are wider set I would recommend a different style.

Anyone else who has tried TLBC – feel free to share your experience with sizing and styles here!

Disclosure: The Angela and Sascha were given to me courtesy of TLBC.

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  1. Anonymous wrote:

    I want to buy bras from Asia too. How/where can I do this? I can't find any stores online.

    Posted 12.5.12 Reply
  2. BookAnn wrote:

    Hi there! Asking about Japanese bras. I wear a 28B. Any advice that someone might be able to share with me? Thanks! Much appreciated!

    Posted 2.14.12 Reply
  3. Miss C wrote:

    Hi, I'm new to your site. I found it through ReallyPetite.com and I'm loving your posts and style! I have to agree with UrbanGeishaLA. I used to struggle finding petite bras but Gilly Hicks is my 1 and only go-to for them now. They are pricier but have terrific sales (in March, June, September, and December) where items go on sale and then the store also offers an additional percentage off with the special code. If there's a store near you, I definitely recommend trying out their fitting room. They have drawers with different sizes and styles to find your perfect fit (which is great because their bands and cups tend to run smaller). Anywho, I look forward to reading more of your blog!

    Posted 10.3.11 Reply
  4. UrbanGeishaLA wrote:

    Hi I've been following your blog for some time and thoroughly enjoy it! It's nice to know there are people who have to strategically shop for nice fitting things, just like me, a petite one myself. I think I will try one of these bras. Also I don't know if you have the store where you're at but GillyHicks.com, a underwear store from the folks at Abercrombie also make well fitting bras for smaller gals. I've been wearing their stuff and it very comfy and gives natural umph where needed. I'm just starting but please check out TheUrbanLAss.com and if you have any LA gf's let them know! <3

    Posted 9.28.11 Reply
  5. sonia wrote:

    wow i should really try these bras out as well because i'm the same size. i have these bras from this jap brand called wacaol and they're on average $80 for one.. well at least the push up ones are! btw, the angela t shirt bra looks AMAZING on you.!

    Posted 8.11.11 Reply
  6. styl-szatynki wrote:

    If you measure 28inches aroung your ribcage, you should probably wear 30 or 28something. Believe me, it makes great difference – but of course your bra size will go bigger, I mean I measure 26inches around my ribcage and I used to wear 32 or 34B, now I'm wearing 28E or 30D. My breast looks bigger and I feel comfortable. Believe me and try with such companies as Freya or Panache. – here's brafitting guide, I recommend other films from this youtube profile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHZDC39ZNgw&feature;=related

    Posted 6.23.11 Reply
  7. Stefanie wrote:

    I was wondering, if I am 32B…would I save more money buying from VS? Are the TLBC bras only worth it for people 32A and below? Thanks so much! Btw your dress..how did you do that? It's brilliant!

    Posted 5.19.11 Reply
  8. Justine wrote:

    Wow! I really could use a strapless. I don't wear anything strapless because all the bras I own slide

    Just Better Together

    Posted 2.10.11 Reply
  9. PetiteAsianGirl wrote:

    Vicky – I have not tried VS, but I have seen some other petite bloggers mention they like them!

    Anon – I have not been in a situation yet where I have worn these bras all day with a low neckline. But even with my favorite pushup bras from China, I find that the effect does not last very long and you may have to occasionally re-scoop the goods when in the bathroom.

    Posted 7.8.10 Reply
  10. Anonymous wrote:

    question: does the pushup effect last all day? I find that some bras have a great pushup effect that lasts about 5 minutes after I've adjusted everything manually, but doesn't "hold up" past a few minutes of movement.

    Posted 7.8.10 Reply
  11. Vicky wrote:

    Very impressive. Have you tried Victoria Secret's push up bras, as a comparison?

    Posted 6.28.10 Reply
  12. lil_budoy wrote:

    either way you look hot… whether there is small boobs or big boobs. lol

    Posted 6.13.10 Reply
  13. JENNY wrote:

    I love your review and your blog. Now its time to try out TLBC after years of using La Senza which hasn't been working as well as I hoped. Quite the investment though.. 🙂

    Posted 6.10.10 Reply
  14. nicole wrote:

    This is such a great review and I'm loving TLBC! If only I knew about them back in high school lol. The TLBC bras are amazing and I like how you took comparison photos to show the difference in the results that each bra provided.

    Posted 6.4.10 Reply
  15. LilliChantilly wrote:

    OMG my jaw just dropped! That is amazing!!

    Posted 6.4.10 Reply
  16. Lindsey Anne wrote:

    Great find! I'm in the same boat and have a hard time finding a bra for my frame. I'll have to check this store out the next time I need a new bra. Thanks for sharing!

    Posted 6.3.10 Reply
  17. PetiteAsianGirl wrote:

    MizzJ – they do ship to Canada and I believe even have some retail outlets there. Check their website for details!

    Posted 6.2.10 Reply
  18. MizzJ wrote:

    This is such a great review, very detailed! I'm impressed by the effects as I'm a total devotee to push-up, padded bras haha. Do you know if they ship to Canada?

    Posted 6.2.10 Reply
  19. Candy wrote:

    I'm a 32 A. And I been searching for a push up bra that would work for me. Thanks for sharing this!!

    Posted 6.2.10 Reply
  20. PetiteAsianGirl wrote:

    Thanks ladies! Michelle and April, thank you for the tips on those more affordable bras. Haven't tried them yet!

    D- for cotton dresses, I just wear a slightly padded nude colored bra. I don't have any "seamless" or "t-shirt" ones, which are probably ideal.

    Irene – I didn't wear the Angela for long so I can't attest to long-term comfort. I will be wearing the strapless though all this weekend, so I'll report back on that.

    Diana Draw – it's quite simple and I did it by hand … let me see if I can find a youtube tutorial or something else since I'm pretty bad at giving instructions : )

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  21. Diana Draw wrote:

    Wow, that white dress looks amazing! Any chance that you could do a tutorial on it?

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  22. aspiringminimalist wrote:

    Thanks for a great review 🙂

    I used to get my bra's from Chinatown (yes, from street vendors – tres embarrassing). I found them really "perky" that they made the girls almost look like two pyramids. 😛

    It wasn't until I discovered La Senza that I found a more relaxed fit that didn't keep pushing the goods in such a structured way. I know, La Senza is pretty low quality, but it works for me, for now. I'm also a slightly bigger size, either A36 or B34 work for me.

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  23. Emily Lau wrote:

    Hi ladies, this is Emily from The Little Bra Company. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments, and of course to Petite Asian Girl for such a fabulous review! I created The Little Bra Company because just like you I found it difficult to find undergarments to fit my petite frame, and it’s so rewarding to read comments like yours. We’re excited to be hosting a giveaway with ExtraPetite.com soon, so stay tuned! You can also get in touch with us directly at info@thelittlebracompany.com if you have any additional petite lingerie questions.

    Warm regards,

    Emily Lau

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  24. Anonymous wrote:

    I would like to try this but it is too expensive for me. I'm probably only a AA but some A bras fit me. Does anyone know of any cheaper alternatives?

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  25. Brendel wrote:

    Impressive review! And the pictures really showed the difference. TLBC really did well by sending you samples.

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  26. Kristy wrote:

    This is such an interesting post! And what a difference a bra could make, huh?!?! The ANGELA is a must (the first photo comparison using ANGELA sold me right off the bat!!) I'm a 34B and I'm having troubles finding the perfect North American brand for my "girls". TLBC sounds like a great solution! Can't wait for the giveaway ;);)


    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  27. Irene wrote:

    OMG MUST have that Angela Bra! Lol. It is seriously VA-VA-VOOM! I am a 32a but sometimes I find that the VS bras still leave lots of "room" inside and cleavage is minimal. *sigh* I really am about to give up hope as far as getting any type of cleavage out of a bra. (I like how Sophia commented about Paris Hilton – is this her secret?!) How comfortable was the bra itself?

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  28. PetiteXXS wrote:

    That first before and after is pretty remarkable! I don't think any amount of push up can give me that 'after' effect haha. I've been really interested in the TLBC bras for a long time now, but just haven't had time to go try some on… thanks for the review, now I have a little better idea of what to look for.

    I did pick up a couple bras when I was in Asia, including one that was so incredibly padded (but fits) that I bought just for kicks since it was only $3… they sure know how to make padded push-up bras in Asia! I wasn't really looking for bras at the time but now wish I'd looked around more.

    I love the white dress by the way, can't believe you did the ruching yourself!

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  29. Anonymous wrote:

    Calvin Klein bras also tend to run small – the cups seem a little closer together than other bras, similar to the TLBC bras you show. For a long time I thought they were actually too small, until I realized that the straps on CK bras aren't constantly falling/band isn't constantly slipping. Turns out I'd just gotten used to slightly too-big bras.

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  30. D wrote:

    I , too, wear Asia bras that I find much better than Dept.stores ones but wow, I am amazed by the difference! I have a question.. for cotton dresses, what should u wear underneath?

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  31. Revanche wrote:

    Oh my favorite bra is from TLBC! My girlfriend in NY made me go lingerie shopping and we picked out the Yvonne as my first attempt at a perfectly fitting bra. It's wonderful, but quite pricey considering I'm on a tight budget.

    I've never tried Asian bras which now strikes me as sort of silly.

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  32. Megan wrote:

    I have been hemming and hawing about ordering from TLBC because while I am little (tiny, in fact), I am somehow on the wide set side like AN mentioned.

    That said, I was suitably embarrassed to buy from the girl's section for a bra whose A cups I could actually fill out all the way. Perhaps I'll give TLBC a go – I just wish there was somewhere nearby to try them on ahead of ordering, as bra shopping is generally quite the ordeal.

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  33. Wendy wrote:

    Wow – They make such a difference! I've been putting off checking out TLBC since the only place which sells em here is kinda far, but perhaps I'll take my friend there for a treat when she finishes her exams… My little 28AA's definitely could use a boost, though TLBC is out of my budget right now. I'm glad to hear you're also having luck with Asian bras – I live next to a huge Asian mall, but I never really considered purchasing lingerie there 🙂

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  34. Bech Yong wrote:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted 6.1.10 Reply
  35. Angie wrote:

    wow! these are absolutely amazing 🙂 i hate straplesses that don't hold and push ups that don't really push up. these seem absolutely perfect for petite asian chests 😀 i'll definitely have to try some

    now i can wear straplesses without yanking up on the dress every 5 seconds!

    Posted 5.31.10 Reply
  36. April wrote:

    Great bra! I love the Victoria's Secret Very Sexy bra that is wireless–although it's not ridiculously padded it has been my favorite for years and I have them in various colors. 🙂 I definitely recommend it to you!

    Posted 5.31.10 Reply
  37. DiWiMakeup wrote:

    Thank you so much for posting this! It's always a struggle to find good fitting bras. Even the ones I have tried from Victoria's Secret sometimes were set too far apart. It's kind personal to post about so I really appreciate the detail and honest review!

    xo, Diana

    Posted 5.31.10 Reply
  38. mich LA wrote:

    this is a great find! i am always looking for some help in that department. have you tried the gapbody ultimate uplift bra? my friend recently told me about it and has nothing but great things to say about it (she's a 32A). i've yet to try it but it's also supposed to be super comfortable since it's lycra! i was going to pick some up and post about them too. for only $25, i think it's worth trying over all the uncomfortable VS bras i've been wearing.

    Posted 5.31.10 Reply
  39. Ping wrote:

    oh wow! that's amazing…I'd never think you're a 32A. The bra gives amazing cleavage! I like your 1st and 2nd dressed too…it's sexy without being too revealing. I'd wear them all.

    Posted 5.31.10 Reply
  40. PetiteAsianGirl wrote:

    Sophia – I do own some H&M; intimates in that size, but I haven't worn them at all after getting "Asia" bras. Maybe they have improved in push up power since then.

    PLG – $2? Wow…my mom pays about $10 to $15 USD and they are of nice quality.

    Jimin – Unfortunately pushing towards the center seems to be the trick in maximizing cleavage. I agree that wider ones are more comfortable, though!

    Kiraling – I've only tried on the pearl Sascha with that white dress and some brightly colored tops. It doesn't show at all under those. If it were me though, I would wait for the nude – almost all my intimates are boring nude colored : )

    As for an Asia service – wow, never even heard of that. But I guess there are forwarding services for shoppers outside of the US, so same thing. I have no idea what brand my undergarments are … my mom just picks them up from the same lady every time.

    Posted 5.31.10 Reply
  41. Kiraling wrote:

    I'm glad to hear you like the Angela style, since that was the one I'm debating on!. I was also recommended the 32A by TLBC.

    Is the Sascha pearl still too noticeable under clothing, colour-wise? (Would you wait for Nude?)

    Also.. One more!. I've used a shopping service in the past to purchase things from Asia. Is there a particular brand, website or kind you'd recommend?.

    Thanks for the great review. Cheers!

    Posted 5.31.10 Reply
  42. Alterations Needed wrote:

    Excellent review! Love the comparison pics! TLBC is quickly becoming my favorite bras to wear, and I'm very excited about the Sascha coming out in nude later this year.

    I tried a TLBC t-shirt bra when I bought my Lucia and Sascha last year. The t-shirt bra cups were too small and close set for me, but the Lucia and Sascha were a nice fit. I'm a little wide-set, which coincides with your findings as well.

    Posted 5.31.10 Reply
  43. Jimin wrote:

    ooooo the angela gave you a nice boost in the first photo 😉 I love how your reviews are always filled with helpful pictures and they're really informative. This one is definitely no different! These bras look really nice but I'm always annoyed of how a lot of A cup bras push my "goods" toward the middle of my chest. I tried B cups, and the squishing isn't a problem anymore but the cleavage is just eh. I'll check these out, thanks so much for sharing!


    Posted 5.31.10 Reply
  44. Kerry wrote:

    Thanks for this review – I definitely need to check these out. I have always worn 32A, but cleavage is not something I have ever been able to display with the appropriate dresses. This looks promising!

    Posted 5.31.10 Reply
  45. PetiteLittleGirl wrote:

    I got tons of bras from Asia too. They cost like $2.00 a piece or something. They make such a big different for me (I am also 32A). The ones you worn for the 1st pic was quite impressive

    Posted 5.31.10 Reply
  46. sophia wrote:

    Haha that's awesome!! This must be the same bra that Paris Hilton uses.. b/c she goes from flat one day, to Cs the next, and back to flat again..

    I agree about Asian bras!! My best fitting bras are from Japan, and they're much prettier 🙂

    Have you tried H&M; 32A? They fit really well!! And add mucho cleavage to my not-quite A's : Somehow I find that H&M; has much smaller sizes compared to all the other American shops.

    Posted 5.31.10 Reply

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